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Monday 15 October 2012

Secret thoughts... letting you all in on them

I want to let you all in on my secret thoughts,
I managed to keep this thoughts secret for a while
and still would like these thoughts to be kept secret,
so I'm trusting you to keep to yourself
all that I shall let out during this course
for they are the thoughts that I have kept secret all my life.

These thoughts I have kept secret
because I really didn't find anyone I could trust them with.
I wanted to tell my mum but I feared that she would tell her partner.
I wanted to tell my brother, but I feared that he would confide in his girlfriend.
and my sister too but for fear that she would open up to her mates,
kept these my secret thoughts secret all this while.

Right now I really want to let them all out.
I'm starting to feel like if I dont get them out
my head would explode,
like a bomb waiting to detonate,
but who can  I possibly trust to
to keep these secret thoughts of mine secret?

but every word spoken is never a secret,
no not anymore!
not after it has gotten to a human's hearing.
For that person you trust to keep your secrets secret,
in same vain trust someone else who trust.............someone else
to also keep their secrets and yours secrets secret
so how then could we call our secrets secret?
when in a bid to confide in someone the purpose is defeated

Again I ask who then can I trust?
I think I'm just going to let you all in on my secret thoughts,
so I become a man without one anymore.
Or better still keep these secret thoughts secret
pending when I get that someone I could trust
someone that doesn't have another someone,
who has another someone that has...................someone
who they trust with their secrets.
But then I think I'm just going to die with these thoughts in me.

N.B If I were you, I'd reconsider on whether I want that secret out, knowing too well that that person I'm thinking I could trust might also have someone they also trust............................ to keep their secrets and in the bid let your own secret out. Cheers!!!



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