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Sunday 21 September 2014


Hey people!

Okay I got here, stared at the screen in front of me for a while, pressed my phone, stared at the screen again, then started typing everything you are reading now. I didn't die! I didn't quit! I just don't know how to stay committed for long. yeah bad right? I don't know if it has to do with my Temperament or make up or build or design or package or arrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! This whole writing thing has left me not because I don't want to but because I feel I have given too much time to this whole thing. I have trust issues and so I don't trust this thing anymore. Like say, If you tell me you love me today then be ready to tell me you love me everyday, else I'll starting thinking otherwise. Yeah.

I need to stop, I feel like my head is been throttled in disharmony with my body and if i don't stop this now....... my life will flash before my eyes. Okay I'm not gonna go crazy. this whole set up feels strange. Bubububububuuuuuuubuubbbbu!!!! no worries, Just trying to restart or say reboot or blah.

Well I know one two persons I've affected positively directly or indirectly, (I'm obviously not an elephant so don't start thinking I'm trying to blow my trumpet) A few good persons would holla and say, "Hey! why have you not been writing? Why did you stop?, Seyi, are you aii?" and I be like "LOLS! I'm fine" but the truth is I put in about one year into this thing and honestly I'm fed up with it.
Why am I even nagging about it on here? I hope you all are better than the last time you came here?
The basic life rules don't change! They don't ever do! They remain the same! except of course not you perceive life wrongly and harbor the wrong guidelines of life. Help yourselves! I'm tired. Its late. I'm going to bed. "Odabo"

I'll be back hopefully.

But again, it is my blog right? so I guess I could type whatever it is I want, when I want and errrrm as long as I want.

Yeah,  about doing the honours, I felt there had to be a title for this and I'm gonna allow you do the honours.



the Seyi

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