If the lady who in the midst of the flood could still afford a smile with her hands on her waist for pose even with a better part of her body covered with water, why then should you and I who even have access to the internet in the comfort of our homes and offices frown? Many would for fear of dangerous animals and fishes be frightened and allow their worries have the better of them but she didn't care as she still could wear a smile which at that moment should be the most expensive commodity to possess.
This should prove to anyone that happiness should not be dependent on your state at a particular time but on the joy that comes from your inside. Truth is, no matter how much assets a man acquires, it still would not have anything to do with his happiness.
Happiness is the ability to rejoice even in the midst of inconveniences. Put a happy man on the top and he will smile, put him at the bottom and he still would smile. Who told you that if you get that Hummer you'd be happy? Who told you that if you make that position you'd be happy? Many would pay a fortune if they could to smile yet a lady in the midst of the flood could even add a pose to hers. Learn to be happy where you are now and where you are going to is not going to be seeming too far. Cheers!!! :)
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