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Monday 19 November 2012

A Fulfilled Day...

A fulfilled day...
what could make a day fulfilled?
is it by the amount of tasks accomplished?
is a day fulfilled by the number of task achieved?
could it be by the number of incentives received?
how come so many persons end their day without fulfillment?
could it be that they set too high a standard for themselves?
or they measure the fulfillment of each day by what they get?
truth is everybody can have a fulfilled day everyday :)
if only we can change the basics for which our days are fulfilled.
Do what you can and leave what you cant
for no matter how hard you try,
there would always be something more to do.

 A fulfilled day should be measured more on the seeds we sow 
than the harvest we gather...
A fulfilled day should be measured more on how much we give
than our much we receive...
A fulfilled day should be measured more on the number of people
we put to smile than those that puts us to smile ...

so therefore set your sight and thoughts on bringing smile to someone each day
and fulfillment would not be far from your closet.
Love you all my readers

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